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  • Pat

Our growing puppies

Thank you to all our puppy families who have come and met the puppies.  It is great to get them exposed to other people.  Sorry for being so cautious but there is this very virulent strain of Parvo going around that puppies are very susceptible to. Some breeders only let people view their puppies by video.  That just does not seem to be working for us, and it is good to get the puppies adjusted to more than our family.  

On the weekend we finally put collars on the puppies for the daytime.  Not only does this get them adjusted to having a collar, it also makes it easier to ID each puppy in pictures. (I am sorry that our video format for our camera does not want to be uploaded to the website.  I have a help request in to try and figure out what is wrong.) We have put purple girl into a nice biege/pink/ginger collar since her name is to be Ginger. We have not found a silver collar so he is in black for now.  Orange is in a Harley Davidson collar so we now refer to him as Harley.  It is so appropriate because he is our BIG guy. And we have not found a yellow collar yet, so yellow is in a orangey yellow shade.  We are looking for new collars for yellow and silver. So if it changes, it means we found them!

Yesterday was 20C outside, so we took the puppies outside for their first exposure to grass and concrete and trying to figure out who was Mom and who those other dogs were.  There was a lot of crying going on but all in all they all finally calmed down and went to sleep around my chair.

PIctures to be posted shortly (collars on Day31 and outside on Day 32).

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