It is always so exciting to confirm a pregnancy. On April 6, we took Hope in for her ultra-sound, and Dr. Skylar Bieleny was able to confirm that she is pregnant. Which is good, because she is starting to look a bit chunky and we were wondering if we were feeding her way to much food LOL. From the looks of things there are many puppies, as he was able to see five for sure, with little effort.
Now it is time to start looking for forever families.
An application is required. On this form you will put all your contact information so we can make sure to get your pup properly registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. This registration is your passport, that will allow you to know the heritage of your pup, can be used to sign up for CKC events (showing, competitions), and ownership (so should your pup become lost or stolen, you will have proof of ownership). The application also allows me to assess you goals and needs when getting a pup (do you want a sporting/hunting companion, a laid-back stay at home dog, or a raring to go hiker).
A deposit is required. A dog in your life for 15 plus years is a big committment. Is this the right time? Have you discussed with your family? Have you thought about what will happen post-Covid19? We are making the deposit rather substantial this year ($500 Cnd), because we want people to really think before they jump. Pups are really cute, but can be destructive especially when teething, and without training or activities to keep minds busy. The deposit is non-refundable, except in the unfortunate circumstance that an accident or disease happens with the litter, which we sure hope does not.
The pick list is the list of puppy families that we create on a first come basis (based on approval and receipt of deposit). One list for males and the other for females. It is possible that it could be an all male or all female litter. All pups are expected to be chocolate based on their parentage. Starting around 5 to 6 weeks we will be asking families to list their preference for pups. We mark each pup at birth with a colour, and you will be able to track their progress. As well I will help you chose based on your requirements (ie if you are going to be competing in scent trials, I will suggest the pups with the best noses; if you are into agility, the pups that are fastest on their feet; if you want a more quiet family member, I will point out those pups). Please note that at 8 weeks it is hard to tell exactly what these pups will be like, and it is possible that you can quiet an excited pup by being a quiet family and vice versa. We do expect based on their parents that all the pups will be very intelligent and highly trainable. Based on you place in the pick list, you may not get your first choice, but you will get a solid, healthy, and wonderful pup.
Final word: We expect these pups to arrive between April 29 (earliest and highly unlikely) and May 7 (latest and will be by this date). We did not do progesterone during the week that Hope was with Tex so do not know exactly when Hope ovulated (generally pups arrive 63 post ovulation) but I feel the pups will arrive on May 5.