How the puppies have grown. They were little beans at the start of the week needing Momma for food, and to clean them to stimulate peeing and pooing. It was an easy week for me in the cleaning department as Maggie did most of the work.
However, by the end of the week, as expected the pups started to walk and their eyes are now open. So walking means they have started peeing and pooing everywhere. Maggie goes in and cleans as best she can, but with only her tongue, it leaves some stains behind. As well the little guys don't mind peeing and pooing on each other. Sometimes it just happens!

The pups got their first round of de-wormer. It is a liquid formulation of Strongid. That has not helped the pooing situation. However, we have lots of blankets and a washing machine so we are good for awhile. We did get them some collars, so hopefully that will make it easier to follow different pups, although with all the glow it may be hard to see the colors. They will only have them on under supervision as the pups are still a little small for them.
The next week is going to be exciting as we will start introducing puppy food (as a gruel mixed with formula). And depending on how fast they grow, perhaps some new expanded digs will happen too.
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